Classroom Information

Here is some helpful information about our classroom:  

Departure Policy:  If there are changes to your child’s regular transportation schedule from school, your child must have a signed/dated note describing the change.  Students may bring notes to the classroom upon arrival, or parents may call the office and leave a message with Kate.

Extra Clothes:  Please send a small bag of extra clothes for your child to keep in the classroom.  We will be going outdoors a lot this year, and extra clothes come in handy if your child gets dirty or wet outside.  

Sharing: Once a week, we will have a “Compliment Kid,” who is our VIP of the week.  This child will be given a chance to bring in something special from home to share with the class, and the class will share questions, comments, and compliments with the VIP.  Every child will have at least one chance to be the Compliment Kid of the week.  We also share “Fabulous  (or not-so-fabulous) News” every Monday at our morning meeting as a way to get to know each other more.  

Home-School Folders:  These folders are used by students each day.  Notes and paperwork sent to school can be put in your child’s folder at home and brought to school.  Students also use them to bring home completed work, parent notices, and other important information from school.  Bringing this folder home and then back to school each day is excellent practice for students in becoming responsible and independent. If you haven’t already, please return the Family Questionaire as soon as possible.  

Lunch Order:  Each day, your child should come to school knowing what they would like for lunch that day.  Children will check-in and choose their lunch as they arrive at school.  Choices are hot lunch, sandwich, salad bowl or home lunch.  School lunch menus will be sent home each week in the Friday Post.  

Pandemic:  Children and teachers will be wearing masks whenever we are indoors and at recess times.  We will take mask breaks when we are eating lunch indoors and when we are working outside, during which the children will be at least 3 feet apart.  Please send in a water bottle for your child to use at school since we will not be sharing the water fountain in our classroom.  

Snack:  We will be eating a very early lunch at 10:40 this year, so we will save snack time for the afternoon.  Please feel free to send in a healthy snack every day with your child to have at school.  

Questions?  Please feel free to contact me anytime.


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